Sebastian Riedel


Robotics , Cognition , Machine Learning , Artificial Intelligence , Science


Languages and Frameworks: Python, C++, C, Bash, Matlab/Simulink, ROS, DDS, Trac-IK, FCL, PCL, OpenCV, VTK, Tensorflow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Pandas/Dask, Bokeh, Sympy, Eigen, Cython/PyBind11, CMake

Toolsets/OS: Linux, Git/GitHub, SLURM


Technical University Munich, Munich, GER

M.Sc., Informatics

2011 - 2014

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

Study and Research Year, Computer Science

2012 - 2013

Technical University Munich, Munich, GER

B.Sc., Informatics

2008 - 2011


Senior Software Engineer, Robotics, Agile Robots AG

Robotic Full Stack Developer, Project & Technical Lead:

  • project, project-team & technical lead for various internal projects
  • software integration and contribution to various levels of our software stack
  • kino-dynamic model generation pipeline (Symoro)
  • IKfast solver generation pipeline
  • pose based visual servoing (PBVS) module (OpenCV) with cart. velocity controller (libfranka)
  • transforms library (similar to ROS tf)
  • integration of various OSS projects (fcl, realtime_urdf_filter, Trac-IK)
  • code generation for exposing system capabilities (e.g. middleware interfaces) to high-level programming tools

2019 - Present

Research Engineer (Robotics), German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics

Research and software engineering work on various topics, projects and platforms:

  • software modules for mobile manipulators (robotic platforms: AIMM, LRU)
  • data collection for machine learning (robotic platforms: AIMM, C-Runner, David)
  • contributions to six conference and journal papers
  • robotic system integration (ROS, internal middlerware)
  • sensor data management & visualization (PyData ecosystem)
  • machine learning for robot dynamics (shallow, deep, incremental; Scikit, Tensorflow, PyTorch)
  • task-level environment modeling (Neo4J, OGM)
  • task execution-flow modeling, logging & analysis (Rafcon)
  • GPU Cluster configuration and maintenance (SLURM)

2015 - 2019

RoboCup Software/Systems Developer, RoboCup Logistics League-Team 2011, 2012, 2014, Technical University Munich

Co-founder and core developer within a small student team (3-7 people) participating at RoboCup Logistics League:

  • overall system and control architecture (with core team members)
  • LSPB trajectory generation using quadratic splines
  • PD trajectory control and shared-memory actuator communication
  • context-dependend camera configuration over Video4Linux-interface

2011 - 2014

Student Research Assistant, various institutes

Total of 23 months at TUM, JHU (USA) and DLR on various topics:

  • 2014, DLR, Master-Thesis Research: point-cloud perception, feature-based object pose estimation, recursive probabilistic orientation estimation, next-best-view planning
  • 2013, CIRL, JHU (USA): point-cloud-based sequential scene parsing with physical constraints (ROS, C++, PCL, Bullet Physics), integration of perception into a human-robot collaborative system (Python, VTK)
  • 2011, DLR, Bachelor-Thesis: numerics of Kalman filtering (UD-factorization), automated noise covariance optimization
  • 2010, TUM: hardware/software co-design for an Altera FPGA by means of an automated code generation approach using Matlab's Simulink

2010 - 2014


1st Place, RoboCup Logistics League

(2014, 2nd place).

2011, 2012

Deutschlandstipendium, Technical University Munich and Giesecke & Devrient

Year-long, monthly stipend awarded based on academic performance criteria.


TUM PROMOS Stipend, Technical University Munich

Travel grant I was awarded to support my exchange year at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.



Available upon request